Welcome to Write the DocsΒΆ

Authors:Eric Holscher
Time:09:00 - 09:20

Write the Docs is a community conference; this means it isn’t about profit, it’s about getting people in a room to communicate with each other.

This is version 1.0; last year was version 0, we did one in Budapest, sponsored by Prezi (it didn’t count for versioning). Budapest was amazing, and there was a lightning talk involving bag pipes at 3pm in someone’s office (apparently they were cool).

Oh yeah, we still don’t know what we’re doing.

Your job: make friends, learn something, have fun. You’re sitting at round tables, so now you have friends. We get along with one another by being welcoming, open, supportive, and positive. This is a professional conference for many of you, but it’s also about building a commmunity.

The agenda today is wide-ranging, and documentarian bound. There are writers, project managers, and developers here, and we hope everyone will be stretched in at least one direction.

This year there’s dedicated space for the “hallway track”, on the second floor. It’s free space in the morning if you just want to get away, and after lunch there will be a couple talks, and then “unconference”.